Wednesday, April 7, 2010

yummm... to yuck!

EDIT : i was alerted that there was a problem with leaving comments! sorry ya'll! its back to normal now so comment away ! :)

Sometimes i miss the foods i used to eat.. the terrible terrible foods i used to eat. This past Sunday me and my friend Lyn went to get a Cinnabon and i ate an entire classic Cinnabon it had 750 calories. Yes, i just said 750 calories. The moment after i ate it i felt sick and woozy from all the sugar. That's when i realized i hadn't eaten anything with that amount of sugar in a very very very long time. yuck. i am still trying to work off the calories from that LOL.

I have changed alot of my eating habits since September for instance me and my husband used to make dinner 2 times a week and eat out the other 5 days, fast food mostly. Now we eat out 2 days a week and make food the other 5 days. I'm pretty proud of ourselves but every now and then i totally crave a disgusting meal from jack in the box or tons and tons of fried foods! haha! the moral to the story is that i will get past the cravings or succumb but then regret it immediately. haha!


  1. I find that it's important to fulfill cravings, but maybe not with the exact thing. Most of the time, when I'm craving something, I'll make it. It's healthier, cheaper, and better tasting, plus I don't feel guilty! But, if I really want it, like Singoalla cookies or Cadbury creme-filled eggs, I'll have one or two and be completely satisfied. A lot of the times, I find that the third or fourth bite is never as divine as the first.

    Good job with changing your eating habits! Funny, I just wrote a post about changing mine too! We're both on the right track!

    - Jess

  2. I think the cravings are likely the worst part of retraining yourself, but I've also learned it's important to analyze *why* I'm craving that. Do I want chocolate because I want chocolate or do I want chocolate because I've had a huge fight and it' always been my go-to comfort food? Do I want a Big Mac because I want a Big Mac or because I know I'm not allowed a Big Mac?

    One of the ways I've learned to deal with it is every time I start craving something, before I do anything, I have a full bottle of water and ten minutes to myself (it meant I used to drink a lot of water). I go through how I'm feeling and what I'm thinking and what that treat would really *mean*... and then I can usually find something else to replace it. And, if I'm just craving chocolate because I desperately want chocolate, there's always low-fat chocolate milk.

    Good luck with your weight loss endeavour. I've been on a very similar one (I was actually the same age and nearly same weight when I started). I think you're on a great track here and I'll be following you every step of the way.


  3. @ Cass i will definitely try the huge glass of water and then see if i still want the craving . thanks for your support i already added you to follow! :)

    @Jess thanks for the tips! next time ill just have a healthier lighter version of the craving to kick it away lol



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