Sunday, April 11, 2010

running running.. as fast as you can

I want to run a 5k.. not walk... run. I'm not anywhere near that point but that's ONE of my many goals.
I have looked into the app for the iphone called Couch to 5k and i plan on starting that on May 1st.

I made those two meals this weekend from the 1001 low carb cook book , the chicken burritos and the mock hamburger helper. Kelly , the picky eating husband, said the mock hamburger helper was "okay", I loved it! It gave me enough leftovers for the whole week of lunches AND its low calorie! The chicken burritos were pretty good ( as Kelly said ). The chicken breasts simmer in the crock pot for like 5 hours with a mixture of chili powder, lime juice, garlic and jalapenos and its gooood. not too spicy and just really tender and delicious!

I think I overall did pretty well this week. I'm going to do my official weigh in of the week tomorrow morning when i wake up . Cross your fingers people!! And to all you out there also eating healthy remember tomorrow is a new day!!


  1. What a great goal! I think it must be something about weight loss, because fairly early into my effort, I decided I wanted to become a runner as well! It's just very liberating to put your sneakers on and literally run away from everything stressing you out. Best of luck with the Couch to 5K!!


  2. NICE! You should definitely be consistent with the running and though I haven't tried it, C25K works wonders on people. I just ran my first 5K this weekend and am still on a runner's high. It was amazing.

    You'll get there soon!

  3. @ cassandra it's got to be the change in your body and wanting to see how much further you can push yourself :)

    @ jess! thats amazing congrats on your first 5k!!



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