Thursday, April 22, 2010

binging and running

Okay so its been a few days and I'm still struggling with my TOM coming soon so I'm still having problems resisting the urge for chocolate and other terrible foods. grr!.. It's very very hard. On Monday i literally had 2 pieces of chocolate cake.. TWO PIECES! I don't know whats going on this period needs to come so i can stop eating like crazy. I've gained 2 pounds so im back up to 210. Besides the holidays this week has the been the hardest week food wise. I WILL GET PAST THIS!

BUT! i haven't given up on couch to 5k! last night i did the 1st day of week two which was running for 90 seconds and walking for 2 minutes and seriously i already can tell a difference in my stamina that first day i got so winded about half way through and last night i didn't get that side stitch until the last run. I'm very impressed and I'm really looking forward to being done and being able to run and run and run!


  1. Are you breathing properly when you run? Slow deep breaths, in through your nose, and out through your mouth. If you are, you shouldn't be getting side stitches, and since it was at the end of your run, chances are you forgot to breathe correctly and started gasping a bit.

    The good news on the TOM thing is that if you can avoid the binges, your body actually burns more calories the week previous than any pother week. But you've got to avoid the binges. Have you tried keeping a food journal? I find writing everything down makes me a little more accountable and less likely to cheat.


  2. i wasn't breathing properly before but i started to focus more on my breathing and i didnt get any side stiches

    i do write everything down i use an app on my iphone called Lose it and i still do it. :( oh well this was the worse binge month so far maybe its the last of them



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