Saturday, May 22, 2010

i've got a big head and little arms..

So my weigh in was a little delayed to my body being so sore i felt like was a T-REX because my arms couldn't bend right.. i weighed in today and it was...drum roll please...the total was 203.8!! that makes my total weight loss @ 44.2 pounds! I'm so amped, 4 more pounds to go and I'll be out of the 200's FOREVER!!!

I also noticed yesterday that my size 16 jeans were fitting a lot better than they were a week ago. I'm saying goodbye to my lane bryant jeans as they are way too baggy. So the husband and i took a trip to the Old Navy outlet store in San Marcos and i got their DIVA jeans and they are currently on sale for 19.99 at the outlet store only. So i got to the checkout and they rang up for.. 2.48, yes i said TWO DOLLARS AND FORTY EIGHT CENTS! Swiped the credit card and then left the store.. stood outside for a second and then went inside to get a size down and get a price check.. normal price. oh well. just saved myself 17.51 woo hoo haha.

oh and i also got this yoga mat before today's yoga class and it made my life way easier to not use their gross yoga foam mat things. yuck.. its orange and has butterflies i like it :)


  1. Congrats on your weight loss! And yay for insainly cheep jeans! Where did you find your yoga mat? I need to get a new one, and I love butterflies.

  2. thanks :) i actually got the mat at walmart for only 10 bucks!!



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